He was born at home,
83 Beals Street
, on May 29, 1917. He was the first president born on the twentieth century. His
father was Joseph Patrick Kennedy (1888-1969) businessman, public official; His
mother was Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (1890-1995).
John was the second of nine children. He had five sisters
and three brothers-Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., Rosemary Kennedy, Mrs. Kathleen
“Kick” Cavendish, Mrs. Eunice M. Shriver, Mrs. Patricia Lawford, Robert F.
Kennedy, Mrs. Jean Smith, and Edward M. Kennedy.
John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline L. Bouvier when he was
36 and she was 24 years of age on September 12, 1953, at Saint Mary’s church
Rhode Island
. They had a daughter and a son-Caroline Kennedy (1957-
) and John F. Kennedy jr. (1960-1999).
Kennedy learned the fundamentals at Dexter school in
, then attended the
Day School
New York
for the fourth to sixth grade. He studied briefly at the
(catholic) school in
New Milford
. He went to Choate prep school from 1931 to 1935. In the fall of 1935 he
enrolled at
but a recurrence of jaundice forced him to withdrawal in December. He attended
Harvard from 1936 to 1940 majoring in political science with emphasis in
international relations. After graduation he studied briefly (1940-1941) at
Stanford Business school.
Kennedy served in the Navy from 1941 to 1945, rising from
ensign to lieutenant. Following his discharge from the Navy he worked briefly as
a journalists and latter started his public career-U.S. Representative
(1947-1953) and U.S. Senator (1953-1961) before his presidential nomination.
Kennedy was nominated to the presidency by the Democratic
Party in 1960 and elected as president in November 8, 1960. His Vice president
was Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) which served 1961-1963 and succeeded Kennedy
to the presidency after his death.
President Kennedy had come to
to reconcile differences between opposing factions of the Democratic Party in
the State. The president, Mrs. Kennedy, John Connally, the Governor and Mrs.
Connally proceeded in an open limousine to the city for a scheduled luncheon
address at the Dallas Trade Mart. Moment latter, after the President’s car
passed by the Texas School Book Depository, shots rang out. One bullet passed
through the president’s neck, a second, fatal bullet tore away the right side
of the back of his head. John F Kennedy died November 22, 1963, 12:30 P.M.
According to the Warren Commission, appointed by President Johnson, the
president was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald
Inaugural Speech
to Presidents
Useful links: citizenship
Test, The
constitution, US
President, Bill
of Rights