Martin was born on December 5, 1782 at Kinderhook, New York. He was the first president born an American Citizen. His predecessors were all born prior to the declaration of independence and therefore were born British Subjects. His father was Abraham Van Buren (1737-1817) and his mother was Maria Hoes Van Alen Van Buren (1747-1818).

He had one half sister and two half brothers from his mother first marriage to Johannes Van Alen, and two older sisters and two younger brothers from his mother second marriage. 

Van Buren married Hannah Hoes when he was 24 and she was 23 years of age. They had four sons; Abraham Van Buren (1807-1873), John Van Buren (1810-1866), Martin Van Buren Jr (1812-1855) and Smith Thompson Van Buren (1817-1876).

Martin Van Buren formal education ended at the age of 14. He learned the basics at a dreary, poorly lit school house in his native village and later studied Latin briefly at the Kinderhook Academy. After that he began studying law at the office of Francis sylvester, a prominent Federalist attorney of Kinderhook.

Martin Had no military service. On his admission to the New York bar in 1803, Van Buren joined the law practice of his half brother James Van Alen in kinderhook. He served many different positions after that. He became New York State Senator (1812-1820), Us Senator (1821-1828), Governor of New York (January to March 1829), Secretary of State (1829-1831),Vice President (1833-1837).

He was nominated for the presidency in 1836 and won the election to become the 8th presidet of the United States of America  for which he served one term (1837-1841). His Vice  President was Richard Mentor Johnson (1780-1850).

During his last moths Martin Van Buren suffered a severe attack of Asthma and weakened steadly. After exchanging a few words with his sons, Van Buren fell uncounscious and in the early morning of July 24, 1862 he died of a heart failure.



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